Making profits off of government subsidized healthcare — sick people. The disabled. Children in foster care. Elderly. The poor struggling to put food on the table. Profits off their backs. Profits off of taxpayer funded programs. #HealthcareinAmerica and via Medicaid and #Centene . Huh?

After feeling gutted by pain and denials from my Medicaid insurance provider, Meridian of Illinois a subsidiary of #Centene, I compounded my pain by doing research. It is a sick hobby of mine, and I say sick because it often leaves me feeling that way.
When I saw the list of investors I wondered to myself what kind of people invest in a corporation making bank off of government subsidized healthcare for our most vulnerable population; the elderly, the disabled, the poverty stricken for whatever reason-including health conditions, and CHILDREN — even CHILDREN IN FOSTER CARE.
I wondered about them as human beings — I mean who invests in profits in a company that has been settling lawsuits across the land alleging fraudulent billing practices? Who invests in a company being investigated for not providing needed healthcare services to children in the foster care system?
Who invests in a company who is known to be a denial stamp hoarder when it comes to not approving prior authorizations that physicians put in for their SICK patients?
Below are screen captures from a piece published last summer in July of 2023:

The poorest in our country, the disabled, the children who’ve already lost so much are the ones being battered about by a game of Monopoly and Chess. They are pawns for profits. And we ALL are allowing it but this is who runs Vanguard — the main investor in Centene, according to CNN, today as well as Vanguard’s own website. No secrets being dished in this post, just facts being pointed out and pieced together. Every patient lingering, getting sicker or pain increasing deserve to know why they’re suffering so much when relief is just an approval away — PROFITS for the Ultra Rich, in my opinion.
And here is something I know as an advocate for those who’ve suffered traumatic childhoods. I know about something called Adverse Childhood Experiences Scores (ACE scores). I know the higher the score, the more trauma a child faced, the more damage that can happen to their health and in their lives. I know because I have lived it and helped others struggling with the domino effect. So, knowing that, I know many who are lingering awaiting approvals or searching for specialists nowhere near them that accept their Centene supplied insurance — I know they were once a traumatized child and the bullshit in life caused by egos, narcissism, and greed is still victimizing them — and I cannot get that out of my head.
We’re abusing the abused.
Who is profiting from something like that?

Mr. Mortimer (Tim) Buckley is the head of Vanguard, so the top dog in allowing the group to invest in a corporation like #Centene — the lead provider of Medicaid.
Buckley’s not squimish when it comes to contrversary. Walking around with a fat wallet often comes with more secrets and scandal than no wallet at all. For instance his own brother-in-law was found guilty for fraud but before we look at him, take a look at this —

Ok, back to the brother-in-law — my fingers are hurting so it is easier for me to post the photos and links so you can decide for yourself:

So yeah, I guess that kinda answers the question on who one of the main investing firms is in regard Centene.
How’s your stomach?
Pain increasing?
Blood Pressure Rising?
I will tell you one thing. That day my spinal specialist phoned to cancel my appointment for an attempt at pain relief and jumping tiered hoops from my spine basically collapsing — the cancelation, well it drove me to something — Centene’s subsidary Meridian Illinois denied that 60 dollar shot and my world collapsed as I stood on the edge of a cliff asking myself — can I handle anymore pain? I am thankful for my hobby and my time as a once reporter/editor— it saved my life and now I hope it will save others. Instead of jumping off the cliff, I got pissed off. And so should you.
Use your voice!
and again, please excuse typos.