Eva Marie
4 min readFeb 20, 2024

How do I reach You?

How do I get inside, to your heart? How do I take a topic that is so clearcut and obvious once understood, but a pile of confusion when you walk by it, so much so you close your eyes to the heap of trash? How?

I am hoping I have your attention enough to focus on one bit of the crumbled madness so that you can see yourself in there struggling — fighting for something that you’re not even sure of what the final goal is anymore. Do you feel yourself being buried by waste, the remains of greed suffocating out the light?

Welcome to your life, it is one that you, right now, have no control over. Strangers acting like robots control your horizons. The buy and sell little segments of your life, chew it up-taking all the nourishments — and then throw the scraps on your head — > Wall Street is the address where they gather to bow and worship Greed. The only ones blessed by Greed are the ones who sit on top of the heap of trash. Get the picture?

One of the ladders placing them there is a corporation known as Centene. It sends out its babies to do their dirty work, their subsidiaries such as Meridian, Wellcare, and Ambetter, to name a few.

Those babies weave their way into our local communities giving out promises their parent never intends on keeping, managed healthcare paid for via contracts with states, inhaling your dollars -the ones that take you away from your loved ones and pound the mundane into your soul.

Dramatic enough?

Wall Street is beating on winning and fueling them are those dollars. What they don’t tell you and wave in your face is how those you voted for, the reason your Thanksgiving table is getting smaller and smaller, are chess pieces tied to those dollars. They pass it among themselves, and then on back to Wall Street in one way or form.

Your hard work is literally the vehicle they all use to keep neighbors behind their locked up tight doors, shooing away any contact from one another. We’re the shovels digging the canal separating us. How stupid is that?

There are trails you can follow to discover all of this for yourself so you don’t have to believe me. You can believe your own mind, the one that has been held hostage- yes, I am serious.

The Centene Corp. has a PAC. That PAC passes on your dollars to individual politicians and also other PACS, ones those politicians are all in, waiting for more of the Greed to passover their heads.


Let’s look at one of those PACs the Centene PAC passes along tax dollars to — The Freedom Fund, Mike Crapo (R- Idaho)

Now, thus far this year the donation was for $5k. Crumbs, but those crumbs start piling up when they collect after being tossed by individuals and other PACs from organizations and corporations.

The Freedom Fund and Representative Crapo are used to scandal — it’s D.C.. Oh, there’s more. Here they are fighting to win a recount of your votes so they can push their agenda. That agenda, is one that caters to those who keeping giving him and their chosen candidates in power…so….they…can …keep ….the… CONTROL. Those on the Left would call them and their supporters Brainwashed MAGA.

But….yes, there is a but — the Centene PAC holds the reins on that side of the aisle as well. Here they donated $5k to LGBTQ Victory Fund. Money you earned, all of you — even ones who support Crapo and that Freedom Fund. All those people who wholeheartedly believe in LIFE and hate what they call is a crime against humanity, abortions, those same dollars earned by taking time away from their families, are going to candidates who support CHOICE AND living their truth, no matter what that means. And yes, Drag Queens reading books to children.

So, why are we fighting one another when all those dollars we earn are fueling the division? Good question, huh? Distracted much?

We’ve got confusion. We’ve got chaos. We have distractions. We are being controlled by the Greed of others. Do you see it now?

How do we stop this? How do we end pain? Division? Hate? Ignorance? I am not quite sure but I do believe that people have hearts in need of healing, all of us. I know these are not the images and memories we want to leave for future generations. It’s embarrassing.

I’m a Mom. When I look at issues and try to figure out solutions I do it with my Mother’s Heart. I know there are women and even men who understand what I mean. So, I feel like we have to change some bad behaviors but with love and care by showing them how it is done. Then, when we ask them what they have learned and if we get a response that they didn’t learn anything, we re-evaluate the lesson plan. That is the patience and care of a Mother’s Heart.

Healing Hearts is where I believe we can start — do you believe? Will you join me? Even if I am on the other side? I mean we’re already ripping one another apart as a team within a team, why not remove some of this rubbish first and then decides where the furniture goes?

I’m willing and have been asking of the Left will the return Centene PAC funds. I even requested the same, openly, of a relative who is an elected official in the party. Simple question — no response.

But I will keep asking as I try to tidy up my part of the heap. I am also reaching out to the other side, asking them the same question..and yes..the same response, silence.

Greed is powerful.

Greed is winning.

But what Greed doesn’t know is Love can break chains.

Eva Marie

I've had amazing life experiences, from being a survivor of significant traumas to having incredible opportunities in making better tomorrows for all