Enough Already

Eva Marie
3 min readJan 23, 2024


Medical Transport and Propaganda Radio

Tell me I am not alone here — those van drivers transporting patients to and from their medical appointments and earning a check because Medicaid pays for those rides, should not be allowed to have propaganda radio blaring, insulting the very program their riders are on and the drivers get a paycheck funded by fed and state funds ?

I get that they will sometimes be transporting like minded people, but for those who aren’t, we should not have to be placed in a position to listen to something one can only equate to auditory torture, nor should we have to ask them to change the station. It creates an awkwardness that really is unneeded. Patients already have enough on the mind.

We already have to deal with and prepare for our battles for when companies, like #Centene and their subsidiaries, deny our tests, our treatments for chronic pain in the land of good luck getting pain relief, and if we can, then they deny our medications.

As for being forced to listen to propaganda radio, it goes along with having to hear how they do not believe in Covid, and the protections they do not take — a patient loaded up on immunosuppressants really shouldn’t have to hear how their driver is risking their life. We get it. We know. We live in this society and jump the hurdles, but having them shoved down our throats when we can’t even bring along cup of coffee, well, that’s just dashing out all our hopes for a day of sanity.

Less stress, that’s all I am asking for those rides. Some riders are already dealing with so much, including absorbing the reasons why they are currently unable to drive themselves to their own appointments. For someone like me, half my right leg is numb. I get severe neck and lumbar muscle cramps that can come on quick, without warning. The last place you want me is behind a wheel.

Empathy goes a long way in helping others to save their energy for healing.

That is today’s, Eva (yeah, me) must rant out loud journal entry. And yes, it is for attention as well as I am trying to keep my fingers from freezing up on me. My son calls it therapy.

Be sure to check out #centenwatch, a new hobby where we compile news for consumers and taxpayers — both sides of the aisle have their hands dirty when it comes to many things, including accepting their PAC. There is no spin when a company is paying out the bucks they are to our states in settlements where fraudulent behaviors were alledged. Their denial stamp doesn’t know your political ideologies. Children in foster care can’t vote, they need us to pay attention.

Centene Watch give a like and share.

Ahh…and now for some memories #DOF, the first time I ever heard this was in 1985 and in Dortmund, Germany visiting relatives. Amazing how fast time flies.



Eva Marie
Eva Marie

Written by Eva Marie

I've had amazing life experiences, from being a survivor of significant traumas to having incredible opportunities in making better tomorrows for all

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